Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1st prompt - Around Me, I See..

I am taking a 12-31 Art Journal class on line - kinda like a Daily December book with more of an Art twist. I haven't got my pages put together yet, since I am hoping to use some pamphlets and things from Disney. So in the meantime I thought I will do some of my journaling here, so I remember what I wanted to add. The first prompt Dawn has given us is: Around Me, I See. My book is titled Welcome to my Non-Traditional Christmas 2009.

Just to prove that this is indeed a Non-Traditional Christmas, I am going to stop, and look around me, here on December the 1st. It isn't so much as what I see, but more so what I do not see.

1. SNOW!! - We have yet to have a single snowflake fall from the sky!! A record that we broke!! No snow also means being a little slower to get into a Festive mood.

2. A Christmas Tree - usually by now my Christmas tree is up and decorated!! Lights are flashing and the fresh smell of pine fills the air. This year, I don't even have last years decorations up to look at. No tree, no decorations, no smell, no flashing lights.

3. Wrapped gifts - I have bought many gifts that sit piled in bags and boxes. Haven't had the time to start wrapping them yet. I am lucky that Gemma is used to see boxes all over our house. She doesn't even think to look or else she could easily know every present she is getting for Christmas. They are all sitting in the living room.

That's a pretty good description of my December 1st! The thing I like about doing a December Art Journal vs. A Daily December book is the pressure to have photos each day isn't there. Last year I tried to think of activities to do, just for a photo. And then I never finished the book. Let's see how this one works out. Since I am going away I'm not even going to fully start it until mid-December.

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