Sunday, November 15, 2009

Santa Claus Parade 2009


Today was the Santa Claus Parade in Toronto! We have gone 5 times in the last 6 years. We missed last year since I now refuse to sit outside when it is very cold. But today was a great day, at around 13C.

Mark, the hero Dad he is, got to Yonge St. at 10am. And you may think he is crazy, but he got us the last curb side seat in front of the Bay. By the time Gemma and I got there at noon, they were already 3 deep.

Now the Toronto crowd is very territorial of their space. We are used to living in small spaces and are proud of the space we do have. So when we set up 3 chairs, that space now belongs to us. That means, you don't push them out of the way. You don't sit in them. And, most importantly, you don't sit in front of them!! We don't go 4 hours early, so when you show up at the last minute you can plunk your kid in front of me!

But even still, there still are blockers. A family decided to sit in front of the post on the ground, which was fine. I could still see over their heads. Until of course, they decided that their kid needs to be in every shot with a float! So every time I tired to take a photo, they would stand up in front of me. I ended up having to zoom in and take pictures of the floats before they stood up.

And we can't forget about the police officers that like to stand in front of you. We were lucky this year, he decided to stand to the right of me and block the other family.

Overall, we were able to see most of the parade and the weather was great! Will we go next year? Depends on how cold it is.

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